Nov 2023
Tia Maria continues to celebrate uniqueness by launching a TV commercial that highlights the strong coffee character and finely balanced recipe of Tia Maria Cold Brew, making it the perfect coffee liqueur for an Espresso Martini.
In this new commercial, the vibrant and dynamic movements of a bartender creating a Tia Espresso Martini shake the world conveying the energy of Tia Espresso Martini. Through a mix of one-of-a-kind individuals expressing themselves being proud of what makes them unique, in the commercial Tia Maria Cold Brew wants to beat the rhythm. All synchronized with strong and energetic music by Apashe and immersed in urban and contemporary locations.
For this winter season we are glad to inform you that, the Tia Maria spot is on air in UK and in Canada on TV, Netflix, Online Streaming, Cinema (UK), YouTube, Facebook and Instagram in order to achieve global results.
A new opportunity, therefore, to spread around the world the ONE OF A KIND’s rhythm of Tia Maria Cold Brew, which owes its intense aromatic structure to a special combination of fine 100% Arabica coffee and soft vanilla notes from Madagascar. It is crafted from 100% Arabica beans sourced exclusively from Brazil. The beans undergo a patented roasting method that preserves their maximum aromatic notes, and the medium roast uncovers undertones of cacao and tobacco. Through cold brew extraction, it achieves a flawless sweetness-smoothness balance.